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Healthcare Providers

Healthcare Providers

Welcome to Funds information for health care providers. You will find information on topics including billing, the Funds relationship with Medicare, Funds provider networks, medical management and patient support in the home.

Providers will find it beneficial to become a Cooperating Funds Provider. Beneficiaries are referred to Cooperating Providers and the provider is permitted to inform the general public and Funds beneficiaries that they are a “Cooperating Funds Provider” in marketing materials approved by the Funds. Providers should email [email protected] for more information.

Keep Your Information Current

It’s important to keep your provider information up to date. Please fax address, phone number, and other changes, along with a copy of the W-9 to 214-574-3599.


Please note that the address for the Funds’ Medical Management office has been changed.
The new address is:

UMWA Health and Retirement Funds
PO Box 292167
Nashville, TN 37229

This address change applies to Claim Appeals, Pharmacy Appeals, Precertification and Case Management.
If you have any questions, please contact 1-800-292-2288

Thank you.

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